Friday, May 19, 2006

i'm a displaced resident, but i'm still here . . .

first let me say, when it rains it pours.

in one of my initial post i mentioned the fact that my heater broke in the dead of winter. after enduring several months with several space heaters, i was fortunate of finally have my heating and cooling unit replaced last tuesday, or so i thought . . .

after spending a lovely evening with Diva527 at Arena Stage, i walked home and was greeted by my neighbor . . .

friendly neighbor: you're [nubianteptress], right? did you hear about your apartment?
NT: no, did something happen?
FN: oooh, well, yeah. apparently a pipe burst in your apartment and well, there was some damage. there are fans in my place - the water damage is pretty bad and i hear your damage is worse. i just want you to be prepared, i hear its bad . . .

1st thought - what the fuck? why didn't anyone contact me?
2nd thought - where am i gonna sleep?
3rd thought - WHAT THE FUCK???

so i make my way up stairs and find this . . .

okay, so maybe not that exactly, but this is what i really found . . .

now for those of you who know me, i know that sometimes my apartment looks like this because i put off my weekly cleaning and straightening session, but couple this mess with the loud hum of 7 industrial fans and the dark of night and this is not to pretty, especially if you have no idea what you're gonna see and you can't see it.

soooo, needless to say, i stayed with Dive527 and my lovely god dog for the night and fought back the urge to cry, kick and scream because my building's management happens to be the worse set of fuckers in america . . .

so it's been awhile because i'm a displaced resident . . . i'll start posting from work, i guess, but pray for me and my sanity, because with all of this BS, i'm struggling at work and my pseudo relation/friendship have suffered tremendously . . . note to self, when changing close in a rush, don't leave your panties on the floor at the little boy's house, he will never speak you again . . .

in the infamous words of one of my favorite artist and fellow aries, jill scott have kept me from succumbing to the constant whips and chains of the universe --

I keep - Moving forward, pressing onward, striving further
I keep - Keep on laughing, keep on living, keep on loving yeah
I keep - Keep on dreaming keep on achieving, keep on believing
I keep - I keep smiling when I come thru …and I cry when I need too


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