wanna party, wanna dance, wanna be myself tonight . . .
due to the negative events of the past few months, i was hell-bent on having an amazing birthday celebration. a full blown, week-long extravaganza to ring in my new year. my own world tour. non-stop partying. it would be a birthday to remember!
seeing that beyonce re-released her b'day album on my b'day, the bar was pretty high on how out of control my celebrating would be. thanks to a set of deliberate missions of my self-proclaimed theme song, i got more than what i expected. much more.
friday - fellow aries b'day party
saturday - b'day buddy house party
sunday - dinner with the fam
monday - musiq concert at LOVE
tueday - b'day happy hour
wednesday & thursday - rest
friday - sushi with my mississppi folks
saturday - the official party
sunday - dinner with the fam and friends to recoup
before my "tour" was established, i found a pair of amazing red pumps in late feb or early march. the ultimate birthday shoe. no dress in sight or mind, but the shoe was a keeper even if i was forced to wear a pair of spanks and a bra.
mission one - i'mma put this on/when he see me
in this dress/i'mma get me some
late march, while lolly gagging during my lunch break, i wondered into banana republic and stumbled upon the cutest silk, black and white polka-dot wrap dress. a perfect match for the F-ME pumps.
mission two - gotta make that call/tell' em get the bottles poppin'
when they play my song
after many days of deliberating, i settled on a chic location in a nice part of town. my boy JB has a hookup, so it was pretty much a done deal to get a table, a couple of bottles in a spot with a nice DJ to ensure a night of fun.
mission three - got my three best friends/like we do it all
the time/we gon' do it again
one of my best friends from college, LL, decided that this would be a perfect weekend to finally come visit. BFF #1. my girl from NJ was coming home for easter weekend. BFF #2 and all of my other girls: E, CJ, Banke, A, etc. count as the third, since KD couldn't make it.
i ain't worried doing me tonight
a little sweat ain't never hurt nobody
while ya'll standin' on the wall
i'm the one tonight
getting bodied . . .
all i'm with tonight is gettin bodied
ain't no shame cuz I gotta get mine
swing my hair and kick off my shoes
come here boy, let me work on you
overall the night was filled with drinks, table dancing and endless memorable moments. the only way to top this year is to do absolutely nothing next year.
only the photos and hilarious anecdotes have allowed me to piece together the events of my glamorous event. i was so gone that i accused one my girls of being a no-show, until i saw a picture to prove her attendance. now that's a party. of course i can't show all of my pics, but here are a couple . . .

for shits and giggles, here's a head to head comparison of last year to this year . . .
last year: on the night of one of the worst storms of the spring, one of clients was stuck in the airport, in danger of missing a $20K speaking engagement, peppering my night with anxious moments and ridiculous phone calls the night of my party and actual b'day. STRESS!
this year: on the day of my actual b'day i was tasked with gathering 10 people, which grew to at least 20 at a restaurant, an amazing night to celebrate little ole' me, not to mention a nice tip for our waiter, who remembers me to this day. NO STRESS!
last year: crying at the end of the night because some simple little boy told me he would never love me. who the hell says that to someone on their b'day?
this year: crying at the end of the night because i was toasted and beyond happy with the number of people who came out to help me celebrate (and get me toasted). who the hell wouldn't cry when they are surrounded by friends and colleagues who are showing nothing but love?
at the end of the day, who gives two damns about last year . . . this year was amazing!Labels: beyonce, birthday, get me bodied