do what you gotta do . . .

its difficult to put our situation into words, but in the six months i spent with the boy i learned more about my ability to learn, love, forgive and become fed up.
it was the best of times - he spent time with me and mommie, had the rare oppotunity to meet my father and professed his love for me (first). it was the worst of times - he lied, cheated and disrespected me as a friend. he was my best friend and worst enemy. we brought out the best in the other and enabled our negative traits. we appreciated each other and neglected each other. we'd met our match.
i learned my limits and would not change that. the journey i took to accomplish that goal compromised to much of who i am and who i want to be and i will never forgive him for that. but i appreciate him for the opportunity to learn and love.
sigh. i'm not going to pretend to know all of the ins and outs of your situation, but you know that i am going through my own shit right now and it sucks.
all i have to say is that i am here to listen to you and maybe not this wednesday but the one after we need to dish the dirt over wine at Tapatinis .
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